
Joint Field Research: Development Perspectives

Student - led Conference
“Joint Field Research: Development Perspectives”
Hanoi, 7th, May, 2018

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Field Research

Enhancing development field research
Activity 1.1: Design and develop materials to be used for the joint course of Development Fieldwork: Methods and Research Design;
Activity 1.2: Deliver online classes and seminars on Development Fieldwork: Methods and Research Design for both HANU and UCD students;
Activity 1.3: Implement joint-research project between HANU and UCD students in selected sites in Vietnam

Lecturers and students of Hanoi University & University College Dublin in LaoCai-Sapa (April 2018)

An interview with Dr. Son- Former director of Information and Culture department of Lao Cai     

Students' slide (Student- led Conference in May 2018)